When The Concord Coalition was founded in September 1992, it was already apparent that the federal budget was ...
With the recent onslaught of crisis-driven news—everything from 40-year high inflation, war in Ukraine, Supreme Court rulings, and ...
Thirty years ago when The Concord Coalition began advocating fiscal and generational responsibility it was already clear that ...
National leaders play a dangerous game of policy “chicken” every time they defer corrective action on known challenges, ...
"The Build Back Better Act (BBBA) is now on the back burner. Can it be salvaged? The answer ...
"The Build Back Better Act (BBBA), now on its way to the Senate, is often described by proponents ...
"Congressional Democrats face many hard choices as they seek to fit an ambitious agenda of social spending on ...
"The Senate’s bipartisan physical infrastructure bill is a triumph of congressional dealmaking, the sort of thing President Biden extols and the likes ...
In presenting his case to Congress for an ambitious policy agenda, President Biden said, “It is not enough ...
This week, President Biden continued to roll out an ambitious policy agenda with release of the American Families ...
President Biden’s $2.3 trillion American Jobs Plan is noteworthy for two things. First, it greatly expands the definition ...
After enactment of the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act and the unveiling this week of the roughly ...