Rep. Walter Jones Was a Strong Advocate for Fiscal Responsibility

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Oriental, N.C. — Phil Smith, the southern regional director for The Concord Coalition, and Marjorie Dufek, the organization’s North Carolina coordinator, have released the following statement about the recent death of U.S. Rep. Walter Jones:

North Carolina’s loss is truly the nation’s loss as we say goodbye to Congressman Walter Jones, whose commitment to fiscal responsibility reflected a deep concern not only for his constituents but for future generations of Americans.

While many policymakers have ignored the rapidly rising $22 trillion national debt and related fiscal and economic challenges, Congressman Jones was the opposite. Addressing these challenges, in his view, was a moral imperative and an obligation to younger Americans and the generations that will follow.

He saw that Washington’s current path is unsustainable. He knew that today’s borrowing could mean much higher taxes and less effective government for future generations and he had the courage to say that out loud — even in Washington. A Republican, Jones also had the courage to buck the party line if necessary, as he did in voting against the 2017 tax cut for fiscal reasons.

We at The Concord Coalition also appreciated his help in citizen engagement efforts. Last year he offered encouragement to participants at a “Principles & Priorities” budget exercise at Eastern Carolina University, and met with students after the event to discuss what they learned. Press coverage of the event (see here, here and here) amplified the message of fiscal responsibility and reform.

Our thoughts are with Congressman Jones’ family and friends. He will be sorely missed.


Media contact: Marjorie Dufek, 252-249-2233, [email protected]

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