We Encourage You to Face the Facts

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Updated 8/17 with “History of Debt” infographic below

The Concord Coalition is proud to be partnering with a new effort called “Face the Facts USA.” This nonpartisan initiative is a project of the George Washington University School of Media and Public Affairs and will be providing a new fact every day until the election (for 100 total).

The exciting part of the project is that along with their facts, they are producing great infographics and video content that make it easier to understand significant issues and trends that are (or should be) part of the national discussion as we approach election day.

They have also solicited involvement from some important organizations in the policy community to shed further light on the information in their facts — and that is where The Concord Concord fits in. Many of the facts the project will be presenting falls into categories that Concord writes about and discusses, which allows us to add supplemental material to go along with the fact of the day.

Already, there have been two debt related facts. On Day 1, the size of the nation’s annual deficit was highlighted and we included a link to our issue brief on The Structural Deficit. On Day 7, the fact was about who owns the nation’s debt, so we created an infographic (see below) illustrating the debt’s size and composition.

Future facts will illustrate the issues of taxes, health care, Social Security & Medicare, and more on debts & deficits. We look forward to providing more related content and will highlight their innovative presentations as they relate to our grassroots education mission.


Update 8/17: Here is our latest infographic in the spirit of “facing the facts”! This infographic depicts almost everything you need to know about the past, present, and future of U.S. publicly held debt. However, as the above infographic showed, the debt held by the public only makes up 68% of our total national debt. For more from Face the Facts USA on government spending, click here!

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External links:
The History & Future of Publicly Held US Debt Infographic FULL SIZE

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